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Teknix BITKUZ2 Freezer

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Watch the price of the Teknix BITKUZ2 BITKUZ2

From £289.00

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Teknix CH142W Teknix CH142W from £199.00. ""The Catalytic Cleaning feature prevents dirt and grease from building up in the oven. This self-cleaning technology automatically activates when the temperature reaches 250°C and removes cooking residue. No scrubbing needed. Catalytic coatings to the top, back and sides of the oven absorb the grease from cooking and with regular heating to 220°C the grease residue is burned away. To assure that you dishes are not overcooked, this cooker has an integrated timer with a minute minder function to alert you when your dishes are ready Expect fast results with the gas hob on the freestanding cooker. It provides powerful, highly responsive heating. So pots and pans are ready to cook with as soon as the flame is ignited. Meaning less waiting, and more focus on finessing flavours. Enjoy flexible cooking using our gas oven with electrical grill. It lets you produce dishes that wouldn’t be achievable in a simple gas oven. Unleash your creativity and create golden gratins, crispy lasagnes and crunchy crumble toppings in our oven.   ""
Iceking RZ204EW Iceking RZ204EW from £279.00. <div><p>Keep your frozen food organised with ease with the IceKing RZ204EW Tall Freezer. Designed to offer more storage space whilst using less floor space, this IceKing Freezer features an upright design, giving you 168 litres of storage space for all your frozen foods. On the inside, five storage drawers make it easy to organise your frozen foods in a way that works for you and also see what frozen food you have with ease through each drawer.</p> <p>This incredible I
Haier H4F226WEH1K Haier H4F226WEH1K from £439.00. ""The Hotpoint H3X 81I W Fridge Freezer in white is a modern and efficient appliance that is perfect for any home. This freestanding fridge freezer features Total No Frost technology, which prevents the build-up of ice in the freezer, so you'll never have to defrost it. It also has Active Fresh technology, which helps to keep your food fresh for longer by maintaining ideal temperatures. The Fresh Zone drawer helps to lock in moisture and keep your vegetables crisp. With its sleek design and thoughtful features, the Hotpoint H3X 81I W Fridge Freezer is an appliance that can help you prevent food waste and save you time. ""

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