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Teknix BITK63ESX Oven

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Watch the price of the Teknix BITK63ESX BITK63ESX

From £219.00

We've found the Teknix BITK63ESX once in our price comparison database. The price and product description is displayed. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Teknix BITK63ESX.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Teknix BITK63ESB Teknix BITK63ESB from £219.00. "" ""
Indesit IFW6340WH Indesit IFW6340WH from £219.00. ""The practical solution for households who love home-cooked food that doesn°t eat your time, the Indesit Aria IFW 6340 IX UK Oven in Inox offers 66L of cooking capacity, fan assistance, digital timer and great easy-cleaning technology. Giving you great results in just one turn, simplify your daily cooking With one turn of the dial, Turn&Go enables the whole family to enjoy delicious dishes in just one hour, without worrying about setting the right cooking time and temperature. No pre-heating, no hot or cold spots, just easy family meals. Paired with a large cooking capacity, fan assistance, digital timer and great easy-cleaning technology, this model a must for your home. The Indesit Aria IFW 6340 IX UK Oven also includes a Full Surface Grill to brown off your dishes with 95% surface coverage, enjoy consistent, uniformed browning with no burnt edges or uncooked areas. Full of great ways to make tasty dishes, it°s the easy cleaning solutions that really make this model a must for your home. Using an exclusive Click&Clean system, easily remove the oven door in just two steps ready for quick, hassle-free cleaning. Together with the clever Tilting Grill which simply pulls out and downwards to provide better access to the oven roof ° cleaning is easier and less time consuming than ever before. Make more in your kitchen with the the Indesit Aria IFW 6340 IX UK Oven, without putting pressure on your precious time. ""
Hotpoint FA4S544IXH Hotpoint FA4S544IXH from £249.00. <div><p>Cook like an expert with the Hotpoint FA4S544IXH Built-In Electric Single Oven. With a generous 71-litre capacity, this oven is perfect for everything from family meals to batch baking.</p> <p>The Hotpoint FA4S544IXH Gentle Steam Single Oven's Three Gentle Steam Programs allow you to cook your meals with added moisture, perfect for achieving tender meats, crispy crusts, and perfectly baked bread. These programs lock in moisture for more flavourful and juic

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