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Smeg DI362DQ Dishwasher
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Watch the price of the Smeg DI362DQ
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From £369.00
The price and product description from each of the 2 offers for the Smeg DI362DQ is displayed. If there's more than one offer from a single supplier, it's likely that the supplier is offering different bundles which include the product. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Smeg DI362DQ.
* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.
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Smeg DI262D from £329.00. <div><p>Why settle for anything less than sparkling clean results delivered by the Smeg DI262D Integrated Dishwasher? Externally, this incredible Smeg Dishwasher is a truly exquisite machine- featuring a stunning black control panel and sleek finish, it is seamless to control and makes a beautiful addition to any kitchen. Its Sliding Door System, courtesy of its Flexifit Hinge, allows you to smoothly slide the dishwasher door to select the perfect dimensions of the panel and the plin |
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Hoover 4C7L0W from £369.00. ""The new H-DISH 300 is equipped with the new Eco-Power inverter motor which ensures outstanding cleaning performance and reduced energy consumption. Moreover, it features the MAXI TUB, the most spacious tub in the market allowing you to load even the largest items while granting better washing results. Via the hOn app, you can access a wide set of programs and functions. You can manage your dishwasher remotely at any time. H-DISH is powered by the new SPEED-DRIVE INVERTER, the most innovative and durable brushless motor able to increase the cleaning performance while reducing energy consumption. Just tap H-DISH on your hOn app and take a picture of the dishwasher basket. The app will automatically recognize the amount, type, material and position of your dishes and will advise you on how to optimize the loading while suggesting the most suitable washing cycle. H-DISH gives you the chance to delay the start time of the wash cycle. You can set the program to start with a delay of 3, 6, or 9 hours. "" |
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Bosch SMS2HVW67G
down £30.00 to £449.00
The reduction shown is the price reduction made by the individual supplier since the start of the day yesterday. The price includes the delivery charge as notified to us by the supplier.