Samsung NZ64B5066KK Hob
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Watch the price of the Samsung NZ64B5066KK
From £574.00
The price and product description from each of the 2 offers for the Samsung NZ64B5066KK is displayed. If there's more than one offer from a single supplier, it's likely that the supplier is offering different bundles which include the product. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Samsung NZ64B5066KK.
* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.
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Hotpoint HDM67V8D2CX from £579.00. ""Two ovens, endless possibilities, the Hotpoint HDM67V8D2CX cooks super speedy meals in the top fan oven saving you time and energy as well as having all the space you need for your family that can cook up to 6 levels. Discover the only cooker on the market with two full fan ovens for countless cooking possibilities including multiflow technology that evenly distributes heat producing perfect cooking results. Succulent on the inside, crisp on the outside, the Steam function enables you to improve your cooking results by adding humidity for crispy results. An excellent tool for bread, meat and fish. The biggest size of the cavity (83L) combined with the Active Multiflow technology gives you the possibility to cook up to 5 dishes (Cook 5) in the same time always without any compromise on results. Enjoy direct control and feedback from both ovens with the new easy and intuitive Double Display that comes with a display timer so you can set the ovens to work independently or together ideal for when you need dishes ready at the same time. Discover the only cooker on the market with two full fan ovens for countless cooking possibilities. Prepare speedy, everyday meals in the compact top oven, with up to 15% time and energy savings*, bake up to 4 dishes simultaneously in the main cavity and,when you need more space for a bigger family meal, combine both fan ovens with Multiflow technology to cook on up to 6 levels at once. At a glance, the Cook Guide assists you in choosing the perfect temperature for the kind of dish your preparing so you and your family can enjoy perfect, succulent meals. The unique display that gives you perfect control and a clear feedback for each cavity, whether working independently or together. "" |
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Caple C897I from £699.00. ""King size Fitted Electric Blanket with 40cm Skirt and Overheat Protection - Enjoy extra warmth and cosiness all night long FAST HEAT-UP - Features a powerful 65W x 2 output for a quick heat-up time, so it’s ready for a comfortable night’s sleep in no time DUAL TEMPERATURE CONTROLS - With 2x detachable controllers, so you can adjust the temperature from either side of the bed 3 HEAT SETTINGS - Choose from 3 different heat settings, to achieve the perfect temperature for a great night’s sleep MACHINE WASHABLE - Simply detach the temperature controller and pop the blanket into the washing machine for a quick and easy clean DETACHABLE CONTROLLER - Enables you to easily control the heat from bed and is easy to detach for washing LED INDICATOR - Visible in the dark so you can find easily in the dark during the night to adjust the temperature ENERGY EFFICIENT - Costing just 27p per night to run* for consistent warmth as you sleep OVERHEAT PROTECTION - The blanket automatically switches off to avoid overheating and provides added safety FULL KING SIZE - Measures at H203cm x W152cm to fit perfectly on a King bed, so you can wrap yourself up warm and stay cosy all night long 3 YEAR GUARANTEE - Professional Carmen quality with a standard 1-year manufacturer’s guarantee and a 2-year extension, subject to product registration online "" |