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Samsung NV70K1340BS Oven

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Watch the price of the Samsung NV70K1340BS NV70K1340BS

From £379.00

We've found the Samsung NV70K1340BS once in our price comparison database. The price and product description is displayed. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Samsung NV70K1340BS.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Smeg SF6400TB Smeg SF6400TB from £379.00. "" ""
Samsung NV7B45205AS Samsung NV7B45205AS from £499.00. ""Create more and larger dishes with a massive 76 litre capacity oven. It opens up more possibilities in home cooking. You can prepare lots of different food together, like everything you need for a party. Or it can easily accommodate and time settings or the whole oven for large dishes. And a hinged door lets you access the top easily. Catalytic Cleaning - Save yourself the time and effort of scrubbing the oven. A Catalytic Cleaning system makes it easy to keep the oven clean. The catalytic liner at the rear of the cavity absorbs grease from splashes and drips during cooking. So it cleans itself without any hard work or costly cleaning products. Save yourself the time and effort of scrubbing the oven. A Catalytic Cleaning* system makes it easy to keep the oven clean. The catalytic liner at the rear of the cavity absorbs grease from splashes and drips during cooking. So it cleans itself without any hard work or costly cleaning products. SmartThings Cooking - Make your kitchen experience more joyful. SmartThings Cooking* saves time and minimises the burden of cooking. By understanding your needs, it recommends personalised recipes** and creates a weekly meal plan. It also offers a guided cooking experience and enables effortless grocery shopping***. * Requires a wireless network and the Samsung SmartThings App. The Samsung SmartThings App supports Android OS 4.0 (ICS) or later, which is optimised for Samsung smartphones (Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series). This App also supports iOS 7 or later for iPhone models. The SmartThings App is available in the App Store and Play Store.** Totally even cooking - Air Sous Vide* - Cook food more evenly without it overcooking or drying out. An Air Sous Vide* system accurately senses the temperatures in each cavity and maintains an even temperature for a long period. So everything is cooked thoroughly, wherever it is in the oven, and tastes deliciously tender and juicy. * Requires a dedicated sous vide cooking bag, which is not included with the oven. Make your home more energy efficient. You can use the whole oven and enjoy exceptional A+ rated energy efficiency* with the Eco convention mode. It saves energy by using less power, but you still have the convenience of a very large and flexible oven space. And it reduces harmful CO2 emissions. Create more and larger dishes with a massive 76 litre capacity oven. It opens up more possibilities in home cooking. You can prepare lots of different food together, like everything you need for a party. Or it can easily accommodate ""
New-world NWTOP53DCB New-world NWTOP53DCB from £395.00. "" ""

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