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Liebherr CNSFD5204 Fridge Freezer

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Watch the price of the Liebherr CNSFD5204 CNSFD5204

From £599.00

  • BeyondTelevision

    £599.00 Cheapest Liebherr CNSFD5204 £599.00

    Out of stock since 2023-09-18 20:28:54.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    Manufacturer's Part#:CNSFD5204.   BeyondTelevision ref:5429

    Liebherr CNsfd5204 319L 50/50 Frost Free Fridge Freezer"

  • BeyondTelevision Out of stock since 2024-07-01 13:46:18.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    BeyondTelevision ref:5428

    Liebherr CNSFD5204 319L No Frost Silver Fridge Freezer"

  • Currys Out of stock since 2024-05-30 00:15:57.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £45.00)

    Currys ref:10235861

    Can't stand defrosting your freezer? This Liebherr fridge freezer has a NoFrost design that stops it from icing up, keeping things running smoothly and saving you hassle. DuoCooling technology stops air from moving between the fridge and freezer compartments, so your food won't dry out and smells won't mix.Good to know- The FreshAir charcoal filter keeps the air cleaner in the fridge- Keep veg fresh and tasty with the EasyFresh-Safe- Change settings with a simple tap on the touch displayPLEASE NOTE:Use in outbuildings: This refrigerator is not designed to be used in an outbuilding - both your food and the appliance can be damaged. Do not use it in any unheated area.Reversible door hinges: This appliance has a reversible door. Please consult a qualified installer, such as one of our Currys experts, to carry out door reversal - select the door reversal service when you add this product to the basket."

The price and product description from each of the 3 offers for the Liebherr CNSFD5204 is displayed. If there's more than one offer from a single supplier, it's likely that the supplier is offering different bundles which include the product. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Liebherr CNSFD5204.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Ebac AWM106D2H-WH Ebac AWM106D2H-WH from £680.00. ""Perfect Wash Protection. Your Ebac machine will check the balance of your intended laundry load and automatically adjust spin speeds and wash times. With a choice of 24 settings. You can be sure the Ebac machine has the programme you use and with its wide access portal you’ll find a full load easy to place in and easy to remove. Modern Low Temp Detergents build up Bacteria. Our special drum clean programme is designed to kill bacteria and remove dirt, prolonging machine life. Ebac’s British Made policy. This means we employ a UK customer service team to respond to any enquiries you may have. Use pre heated water from solar energy or a hot tank and reduce your laundry costs. The hot fill option allows your plumb a hot feed directly to the washing machine and save around £49 in running costs. 29% less electricity is used every wash and programs run up to 39 mins quicker. ""
Aeg DBE5681HR Aeg DBE5681HR from £699.00. ""The sleekly designed AEG hood removes lingering odours quietly thanks to a super quiet breeze technology. So you can have a better environment in your kitchen effortlessly and silently. Whether you’re pan-frying steak or searing salmon, our high-performance Motor means that the air in your kitchen stays fresh. Relax in the knowledge that your kitchen will always be a pleasant, inviting environment. Our LED lights use far less energy than other lights, with a much longer life expectancy. And they provide expert illumination for greater detail while cooking. A highly functioning filter that captures and removes fats and odours when cooking. The removable filter can be cleaned in the dishwasher, ensuring that your cooker hood is continually efficient. ""

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