Leisure CK90F530X Hob
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From £894.00
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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.
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Belling 90DFT from £989.00. ""Made in Britain, the Belling Farmhouse 90cm black dual fuel cooker offers a 5 Burner gas hob with a 4KW Powerwok burner, cast iron elevated pansure supports, fully programmable Maxi-Clock and timer and a market leading tall oven capacity of 91L with 25 shelf positions. Additional features include slow cook and defrost functions and a variable electric grill. A/A energy rating. The 5 burner gas hotplate gives you maximum cooking control as the heat change is immediate and precise so you can simmer gently as well as boil. Whilst the Powerwok burner gives intense heat perfect for stir fries. An even temperature is achieved through the fanned ovens as the air is circulated by an integral fan, so any shelf can be used making more use of the space – perfect for batch batching. A fanned oven also allows you to cook different foods together without transferring flavours. Defrost your food more hygienically and in half the time using the defrost function which circulates room temperature air around the food which makes it perfect for defrosting cakes. The slow cook function cooks food thoroughly and evenly on low temperatures as dishes can be cooking all day ready for when you get home from a hard day’s work. The 90cm Farmhouse range cooker also features easy clean enamel, spillage wells and cast iron elevated pansure supports so you can keep your range cooker looking like new for longer. Wipe away spills easily with the specially designed enamel that helps prevent food from sticking on to the surface. The energy efficiency rating on this model is A/A. "" |
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Stoves S900DF from £1699.00. ""This model features a large Multifunction Main Oven, the large Titan™ Fanned Oven and a smaller Conventional Oven. With 5 burners to choose from, you'll have plenty of space for all your pots and pans. The 4kW PowerWok™ burner provides rapid and intense heat, perfect for your favourite stir fry recipe. The Stoves multifunction oven allows you to select from 11 different cooking functions and our Equiflow™ Technology provides excellent heat distribution, so you'll always get the best results, whatever you're making. Our market leading Tall Titan Oven™ has a huge 87L (useable) capacity, Equiflow™ fan and 8 shelf positions so you have plenty of space for all your cooking needs. From batch baking to multi-meals and large family dinners; this flexible space has it covered. *** Maxi Grill™ With PRO-TRAC™ Telescopic Sliders - The deep full-width grill pan lets you make the most of the large cooking area. The Maxi-Grill comes with double extension telescopic sliders providing safe and easy access to food, without having to reach inside. *** "" |