Leisure CK90F232K Oven
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Watch the price of the Leisure CK90F232K
From £944.00
The price and product description from each of the 2 offers for the Leisure CK90F232K is displayed. If there's more than one offer from a single supplier, it's likely that the supplier is offering different bundles which include the product. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Leisure CK90F232K.
* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.
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Aeg CIX6540ACW from £849.00. ""Catalytic Cleaning: Catalytic coatings to the top, back and sides of the oven absorb the grease from cooking and with regular heating to 220°C the grease residue is burned away. Auto-stop anti-tip chrome shelves: Enables baking shelves and wire shelves to be pulled out fully, gliding out effortlessly with a smooth rolling action. Residual Heat Indicators: Residual heat indicators visually indicate when residual heat is left on the hob surface for that added reassurance. Conventional Cooking: Heat from the top and bottom elements provides traditional cooking for the professional cook. Ideal for baking bread and cakes. Dual Grill: Uses the inner and outer part of the grill element, to provide full width even grilling. Cooling Fan: The fan draws in cool air and mixes it with warm air from the oven to ventilate the ISOFRONT glazed door. This ensures that both the oven and surrounding furniture stay cool. "" |
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Stoves S900DF from £1699.00. ""This model features a large Multifunction Main Oven, the large Titan™ Fanned Oven and a smaller Conventional Oven. With 5 burners to choose from, you'll have plenty of space for all your pots and pans. The 4kW PowerWok™ burner provides rapid and intense heat, perfect for your favourite stir fry recipe. The Stoves multifunction oven allows you to select from 11 different cooking functions and our Equiflow™ Technology provides excellent heat distribution, so you'll always get the best results, whatever you're making. Our market leading Tall Titan Oven™ has a huge 87L (useable) capacity, Equiflow™ fan and 8 shelf positions so you have plenty of space for all your cooking needs. From batch baking to multi-meals and large family dinners; this flexible space has it covered. *** Maxi Grill™ With PRO-TRAC™ Telescopic Sliders - The deep full-width grill pan lets you make the most of the large cooking area. The Maxi-Grill comes with double extension telescopic sliders providing safe and easy access to food, without having to reach inside. *** "" |
Product Reviews for Leisure CK90F232K
Ovens Price Reductions
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Cheaper than 7 days ago
Bosch HQA574BS3B
down £100.00 to £529.00
The reduction shown is the price reduction made by the individual supplier since the start of the day 7 days ago. The price includes the delivery charge as notified to us by the supplier.