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Hotpoint HMCB50502UK Fridge Freezer

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From £419.00

  • Electrical Discount UK

    £419.00 Hotpoint HMCB50502UK £419.00

    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    ""Whether you're putting the weekly shop away or have accidentally left the fridge door open for a while, don't worry about the temperature increasing, Hotpoint has you covered for a speedy recovery. Electronic controls constantly monitor the temperature inside your fridge and freezer, and quickly restore the right temperature when needed. You can ensure a precise temperature and enjoy a fast recovery even after the door has been left open. Keep your fruit and vegetables organised in the fridge and store them at the correct temperature. The Fresh Zone+ drawer keeps your fruit and vegetables fresh and full of flavour for up to 2 weeks*, maintaining the right temperature with the handy humidity control, so you can enjoy your fruit and vegetables stay crisp and full of flavour, for longer. Keep your fruit and vegetables tastier for longer. The Fresh Zone+ drawer helps to maintain the right temperature, and features a handy humidity dial, so your fruit and vegetables stay crisp and full of flavour, for longer. Electronic controls constantly monitor the temperature inside your fridge and freezer, and quickly restore the right temperature when needed, so if you accidentally left the door open for a while, Hotpoint has you covered. """

We've found the Hotpoint HMCB50502UK once in our price comparison database. The price and product description is displayed. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Hotpoint HMCB50502UK.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Hotpoint HBNF55182WUK Hotpoint HBNF55182WUK from £399.00. ""Hotpoint fridge freezers feature thoughtful technology that help keep your food fresh and remove strong odours. Thanks to Hotpoint, you can forget soggy salads destined for the bin, as the cooling range offers dedicated compartments that provide the right environment to keep your food fresh for longer. ""
Hisense RIB291F4AWE Hisense RIB291F4AWE from £419.00. "" ""
Ice-king BI712EW Ice-king BI712EW from £419.00. ""The Iceking BI712EW integrated fridge freezer has a frost free refrigeration system, a 70/30 split and it fits neatly behind your kitchen cabinetry to create a streamlined look. General Specification With a total capacity of 225 litres and a 70/30 split, this fridge freezer provides ample space across both compartments, with more space for chilled foods. Fridge - The fridge has a 181 litre capacity. It has three adjustable glass shelves which not only make it easy to store different-sized chilled foods but also make the visibility of produce easier through the shelves too. Three door balconies create extra storage space for jars, bottles, cans and cartons. There is an egg tray for safe and secure storage of eggs, and two salad crispers which provide ample room for fresh fruit and veg. LED lighting also illuminates the fridge when open. Freezer - The freezer has a 44 litre capacity. It has three freezer drawers which provide a superior amount of space for wells tacked frozen foods. Frost Free Technology - This model has Frost Free Technology. This means that ice forms in the back of the freezer and is circulated around the freezer by a fan, giving even cooling across the whole compartment. This allows for faster and more efficient freezing and reduces the number of times it will need to be defrosted. Adjustable Thermostat - The adjustable thermostat allows you to control the temperature simply and effectively to your needs. ""

Price History of the Hotpoint HMCB50502UK

Current prices are shown above. The table below shows earlier prices since we've been keeping records.

Supplier Price Delivery cost Until date Total price
BeyondTelevision £419.00 £0.00 Jan 22, 2025 £419.00
BeyondTelevision £445.00 £0.00 Nov 7, 2024 £445.00
Electrical Discount UK £459.00 £0.00 Oct 8, 2024 £459.00
Electrical Discount UK £449.00 £0.00 Sep 3, 2024 £449.00
Electrical Discount UK £479.00 £0.00 Jul 24, 2024 £479.00
BeyondTelevision £479.00 £0.00 Jul 17, 2024 £479.00
Electrical Discount UK £509.00 £0.00 Jun 6, 2024 £509.00

Product Reviews for Hotpoint HMCB50502UK

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