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Haier HWQ90B416FWBR-UK Washing Machine

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Watch the price of the Haier HWQ90B416FWBR-UK HWQ90B416FWBR-UK

From £654.99

  • Currys

    £654.99 Haier HWQ90B416FWBR-UK £654.99

    (Price includes delivery charge of £5.99)

    Currys ref:10263232

    This Haier washing machine lets you choose. The I-Time function gives you 3 levels of wash intensity to pick from. So lightly stained items won't take ages to clean. With Steam Plus, say goodbye to endless ironing as it smooths out damp clothes effortlessly. Plus, Haier ABT makes sure your washing machine stays fresh and clean, free from mildew and bacteria. Because a clean washing machine means clean laundry. Good to know - Instant Mix Technology sprays water and detergent straight into the fibres for intense cleaning- It uses a new generation of inverter motor that's silent, powerful and reliable - The A class energy rating saves your money and energy"

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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Haier HWDQ90B416FWB-UK Haier HWDQ90B416FWB-UK from £644.00. Be in full control of your laundry. With the I-Time function you can choose from 3 levels of wash intensity depending on how soiled your clothes are, which means you can cut down on the time as well as the energy. And the Instant Mix technology makes sure your detergent is evenly sprayed on the fibres of your laundry for perfect results each time. Your clothes can look good, and you can feel good. Good to know - Anti-bacterial gasket prevents unpleasant odours and residue so your washer dryer stays clean for longer - It's got AquaStop device to monitor the hose tube to prevent leakage - if there's any damage, red control lights up and the water flow stops - Choose from 16 washing programs and 3 drying programs to suit your laundry needs - Use Active Steam program to soften the fabric for easy ironing - The Inverter Eco Motor runs quietly but is also energy efficient
Bosch WGG254F0GB Bosch WGG254F0GB from £654.00. Over-using detergent can feel just like pouring money down the drain. This Bosch washing machine has i-DOS, which works out just how many suds are needed for each wash. Just top up the detergent and softener compartments and it'll do the rest. Using less water doesn't mean worse results. ActiveWater Plus uses sensors to work out exactly how much water is needed so you won't waste water on smaller loads. If you need to tackle grubby marks, the AntiStain system deals with the most common stains. It automatically adjusts the temperature, drum movement and soaking times to rinse them out.Good to know- If you miss a rogue sock or t-shirt while you're sorting the load, just use the Reload function to add it in to the wash- Its EcoSilence Drive and Anti-Vibration Sidewall means it won't disturb your evenings with noisy washes- The VarioDrum makes sure your clothes get a thorough, even wash without stretching or creasing- It's got a Class A energy rating, so you won't have to worry about those bills creeping up
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