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Fridgemaster MCF96 Freezer

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Watch the price of the Fridgemaster MCF96 MCF96

From £179.00

  • Electrical Discount UK

    £179.00 Fridgemaster MCF96 £179.00

    Out of stock since 2024-12-19 08:46:13.0
    (Price includes delivery charge of £0.00)

    ""Nice ice baby! With a 96 litre capacity, this cool customer can hold up to 5 bags of food shopping, so it's spot on for smaller households. Just manually defrost it every so often and it will reward you with ice-cold efficiency and lower bills, thanks to its F energy rating. The special Winter Guard feature means this chest freezer will run perfectly in temperatures as low as -15 degrees, so it's a great choice for chilly garages. """

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* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

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