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Caple C2362 Oven

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From £519.00

We've found the Caple C2362 once in our price comparison database. The price and product description is displayed. Prices include delivery charges as notified to us by the suppliers. Click the "buy now" button to open a new window and get more information from the supplier or to purchase the Caple C2362.

* The prices displayed are the latest ones that we have obtained from the suppliers and we have highlighted the cheapest that we are aware of. You are advised to confirm prices and delivery charges with the supplier before purchasing.

Alternative Products

You may wish to consider these similarly priced products

Caple C2105SS Caple C2105SS from £499.00. "" ""
Zanussi ZPHNL3W1 Zanussi ZPHNL3W1 from £499.00. ""PRODUCT DETAILS The Series 20 FanCook Oven circulates hot air heat with its fan and ring element. Air is continuously moved around in the oven cavity, to make sure that dishes can be cooked on different level at the same time DOUBLE OVEN—MULTITASKING MADE EASY Cook two meals at once easily. With the Double Oven you have the choice of fan cooking, conventional cooking and grilling. So you can bake a cake or roast a chicken at the same time. Making your kitchen adventure a little more convenient. CONVECTION OVEN, FOR EVEN COOKING The hot air generated inside the oven during cooking is moved around with a fan, so all your dishes receive the same amount of heat. This lets the oven heat up faster, which means you’ll get the same results using 20% lower temperatures, saving time and using less energy. TOUCH TO TIME EVERY MEAL / PERFECTLY TIMED MEALS WITH LED DISPLAY / TIME TAKEN CARE OF Keep track of all your dishes with the LED timer display. Setting exact cooking times is straightforward with the touch-activated fields. Making it easier than ever to juggle a few different dishes at once. OVEN LIGHT, FOR A BETTER VIEW A powerful, well-placed oven light lets you see what's going on inside the oven while your food is cooking. So you can monitor your dish's progress, without having to open the door. REMOVABLE GLASS DOOR FOR EASY CLEANING The oven door's individual glass panels can be removed so you can easily remove crumbs or wipe away any accidental spillages. Simple solutions to common problems. ""
Caple C2105 Caple C2105 from £549.00. "" ""
Samsung NV70K3370BS Samsung NV70K3370BS from £519.00. Samsung NV70K3370BS/EU 68L, Pyrolytic Cleanning, Dual Fan

Price History of the Caple C2362

Current prices are shown above. The table below shows earlier prices since we've been keeping records.

Supplier Price Delivery cost Until date Total price
Electrical Discount UK £489.00 £0.00 Jul 3, 2024 £489.00
Electrical Discount UK £489.00 £0.00 Feb 15, 2024 £489.00
Electrical Discount UK £659.00 £0.00 Oct 26, 2023 £659.00

Product Reviews for Caple C2362

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