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Price Change Alerts for Mio 10145225CUR

Sorry, Mio 10145225CUR is currently unavailable.

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Nextbase NBDVRS2RFCZ Nextbase NBDVRS2RFCZ from £60.99. Plug in and driveThe Nextbase NBDVRS2RFCZ Rear View Dash Cam is the perfect addition to your front dash cam. No wires, no hassle. Just plug it into your existing dash cam and get a similar view to your rear view mirror. When plugged into your Nextbase 422GW or 522GW (sold separately), it'll give you Full HD detail of everything behind you.With a 30° telephoto lens, it's easily able to capture everything from rear impacts to impatient tailgaters. And because it runs off your existing dash cam, setup is easy. Just plug it in and you're ready to go.Picture in PictureReverse into that tight parking spot with confidence. With Picture in Picture mode, you'll see everything from behind, as it happens, on your front dash cam's screen. Go full screen to make sure there's enough distance behind you, or split view to make sure you're securely in the bay.And when you're back on the road, it'll record everything straight to memory card. No need to manually save and delete, just let your Nextbase NBDVRS2RFCZ Dash Cam take care of it.
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